The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a transformative process through which non-baptized individuals enter the Catholic Church. This journey involves several stages of study, prayer, and rites celebrated at Mass. Participants, known either as catechumens or candidates, undergo a profound conversion experience as they study the Gospel, profess their faith in Jesus and the Catholic Church, and receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion.
The RCIA process, rooted in ancient church traditions, was restored by the Second Vatican Council as the standard preparation for adult Baptism. Formally approved for use in the United States in 1974, RCIA continues to guide many on their path to becoming full members of the Catholic community.
Our classes at Saint Joseph Church run from September to April and take place on Monday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the Religious Education Building. Please know of our prayers for you as you discern God's call.
For more information on RCIA, please contact Deacon Tom at (717) 397-6921 ext. 500 or [email protected].
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC) of catechetical age is the RCIA program adapted for children age 7 to 14. It provides age-appropriate material and activities to communicate the rich tradition and teaching of the Catholic Faith. Children who have adequately prepared to receive the sacraments of initiation are brought into Church at or around the time of the Easter Vigil.
Children under 7 can be baptized by submitting a Baptismal Registration Form and completing the required baptismal preparation class for parents. All children should be enrolled either in Catholic School (Resurrection) or the parish Religious Education Program.
Our RCIC class run from September to April and meets every other Wednesday evening from 7 to 8 pm at Tipitina’s.For more information on RCIC, please contact Deacon Tom at (717) 397-6921 ext. 500 or [email protected].